~Kay Arthur~
I have found encouragement in this quote by Kay Arthur and and for the most part, live by what it says. Living with chronic illnesses, there are times that I want to keep that blanket of helplessness over me. I could best describe it by saying, "I get weary in the battle."
If we stay under that blanket of helplessness it becomes a cloak of self pity and discouragement. It can be such an easy thing to do and we have probably all have done it at one time or another. Everyday we must make the choice to move on in our lives by faith.
There are so many things in life to make us crawl under that blanket of helplessness. Health issues, family issues, marriage relationships....anything that troubles us and takes us to the point of feeling helpless. So...get up, throw off that blanket of helplessness, make a choice not to be defeated and move on through life in faith!
* Faith knows how to wait on the Lord. Isaiah 40:31
* Faith knows how to wait on the Lord. Isaiah 40:31
* Faith defines reason; it moves mountains. Matthew 17:14-21
* Faith does not always face facts; it never gives up. Heb.11:32-39
* Faith says, "God is working out His perfect will in my life, and I can wait, endure, and suffer."
* Faith doesn't make anything easy but it does make all things possible.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1
1 comment:
Patty if you have a spare minute, would you send me your email address? I had it but I can't find it. I am in the middle of a terrible flare-up and would love to discuss it with you. I'm totally depressed and today's post is right on but I'm not there this time.
Thank you.
Bless you, dear one,
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