Is My Heart In Stable Condition?

The stable. I always thought it seemed like such an unsuitable place for the birth of the King of Kings.

The stable did not offer the same comforts as the inn, but it had one thing the inn lacked. Room. There was room in the stable where the Son of God could be born.

At times I wonder, " Is my heart like that crowded that I miss the presence of the Son of God? Am I so filled with the cares of life, stress, busyness and selfish desires that no room is left in my heart for Jesus?"

As I have watched theChristmas story reenacted through the years, I have often thought of the innkeeper. Why didn't he make room for the expectant mother, then allow others a place? I realize the innkeeper did his best to accommodate Mary and Joseph.

Each day I am faced with opportunities to allow God's blessing and power to fill my heart. When I have meditated on His Word and communicated with Him in prayer, then as the events of the day unfold I am able to handle each situation in the wisdom and strength that He provides. If I fail to read His Word and pray, then my life becomes packed with overwhelming circumstances and Jesus is crowded out.

My busyness and cares can be put in their proper place as I pray, "Lord, keep my heart in stable condition so that I have room for Jesus."


I have used this devotional by Judy Seabaugh for many many years and each time reading it, I am shown I have let too many things creep into my heart during the Christmas season. Not so much physical busyness, but the busyness of my heart and mind. My mind goes a million miles an hour this time of year. You too? There can't be any room for Jesus when we are too busy to open the door to let HIm minister to us in only the ways He can. If you feel your stable doors have been closed, open them up and let the Son come in!


Abounding Treasures said...

This really spoke to me Patty, so I thank you for sharing it :o)

Blessings to you ...

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful and I needed to hear it today, Patty. Bless you and the words you share here. They touch so many lives.

Renee said...

Thank you Patty for your comment on my blog. I appreciate your prayers and left you a comment too.
Today is a new day!
So glad I found your blogs...