So as I have been home, not quite 100%....let me ask you this? Does anybody ever feel 100%? My husband does..isn't that wonderful? I just wondered if that was normal. (: Back to what I was saying..since I am home I have been sorting through stuff, again. Watching movies, listening to iTunes..just puttering and knitting...
I have been working on my Beth Moore study, Living Beyond Yourself..a study of the fruits of the Spirit. This is my second time doing it..I didn't pass the first time. (: Love it and highly recommend it. Anyone would love this study.
I have sorting through pictures too. We bought a fire proof safe to store pictures and some of my journals and other things that I have written. Friends of ours lost their home to fire on Christmas night. Sure makes you think..
Well, this is where I am...home. I am waiting out the winter weather.One day it's 85 degrees..another day 38 degrees...my muscles are confused so they rebel in what I call a fibro flare.
I think I'll go get dressed and make my bed. If I get dressed and my bed is made, I won't crawl back into it. Good thinking... wouldn't you say?? Have a good day!
Oh dear, you *do* need bunny slippers and chocolate! Poor thing, you. pet pet there there now, you just sit back and drink in the Word and let me pick up around the house, fluff your pillows and tuck in your comforter a bit snuggier, make some chicken soup and do your bidding.
How I wish I could do that for you. But from 400 miles away, it aint do-able. sigh.
But please know I'm praying for you, lifting you up to the Holy of Holies, for a little extra mercy at this moment in time.
As to not feeling quite 100%...I'm there with you. I don't know the last time I felt 100%. Guys usually do though. Isn't that just too special for words? hehe.
Hi Patty, I was afraid your long silence meant not feeling well. Its the pits--and my heart goes out to you. I'm so sick of hurting that I've given in to discouragement. I am working hard on a program from a rehab unit and everything hurts!
I hope you are feeling some better. I know what you mean about the weather! It is so cold up here that it feels like it creeps into my bones.
Spring is coming--a promise of new life! Let's rejoice together when it finally get here!
Take care, dear sister. "This too shall pass"
I have been wondering if you were under the weather too. It seems to be that time of year with more dampness but still cold. Here in the midwest it is still cold but at least we have stopped with the minus 15 for a high! I have my hubby bring down my "Woolie" (wool comforter)each day to lay under and keep me comfortable. Hope this day finds you feeling better.
God bless
Hi, Patty! I am empathizing with you as I write. I have fibromyalgia. Everyday is a challenge. The holidays sent me into a fibro crash, too. Feeling a little better now, I decided to start a blog. God bless you.
Thanks for checking in. Seems to be tough, but I'd say you're doing lots of nice things. Blessings to you.
So sorry you have not felt well, Patty. I was concerned too that your quietness might mean you were ill. I do pray for you, my friend, and hope that things are better for you soon.
We got another 10 inches of snow last night. It will be here for a long time to come.
As for feeling 100% -- no, I can't remember the last time I felt 100% either!
God bless you, dear friend.
Thank you all for the kind words of encouragement. I think I am back up and running this week. I need to space and pace my self a little better after this set back.
God is good!
So happy to hear that you are feeling somewhat better, Patty! Keep looking up!
God bless,
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