~Gigi Graham Tchividjian~
Sometimes life does seem like it is unraveling when things hit us one thing right after another. Today in our world many people find themselves frustrated and discouraged when circumstances of life begin to tear apart and unravel every thing they have known.
I get frustrated when my knitting starts to unravel because I was careless how I put my needles down. I want to throw it in my knitting basket, rather than take my time and put the stitches back on the needle. I watch it unravel and I feel helpless.
We aren't helpless and can't throw in the towel when our lives unravel...we have to go on. God's Word always stands strong, it will always encourage, always refresh, always direct, always comfort us. Whatever our need is, God's Word will hold strong amidst the greatest difficulties that life can bring. All we have to do is pick it up and read it, asking the Holy Spirit to work and weave the words into our hearts and minds.
A friend told me years ago that when we have to rip out stitches..it builds our character. Spending time with the Lord in His Word when life is unraveling..well, that's where true character is formed. Building everyday on God's Word makes our charcater stronger and sronger...and then we are less apt to throw in the towel when the hard times come.
Have a blessed day!
Oh, how I needed this today! I have so often felt over the past two years as if my life is unraveling. The thing I need to remember is that just as unraveled needlework can be remade into something stronger and better, God wants to make me stronger and to make me more useful to Him.
Thanks so much for sharing, my friend.
This is bringing me great comfort today with my life seeming to unravel in the past month or two. Fears have had a stronghold in my mind....your words are soothing to me today. Bless you.
What a beautiful well written post. Thank-you for sharing....m....
Your post is beautiful. Life does make us feel unraveled at times but I think this helps us to appreciate the good days.
I am a knitter and sometimes I seem to be doing more unraveling than knitting. Usually this happens while at my knitting group when I get caught up in conversation and begin dropping stitches. It's still fun.
I know I already posted here too, but wanted you to know that this post is like a warm blanket tonight...I came back to reread it and take nourishment from the words....
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