* If you are impatient, sit down quietly and commune with Job.
* If you are strong-headed, read of Moses and Peter.
* If you are weak kneed, look at Elijah.
* If there is no song in your heart, listen to David sing.
* If you are a politician, read Daniel.
* If you are getting sordid, read Isaiah.
* If your heart is chilly, read of the beloved disciple, John.
* If your faith is low, read Paul.
* If you are getting lazy, watch James.
* If you are losing sight of the future, read in Revelation of the promised land.
In joy and sorrow, in health and in sickness, in poverty and in riches, in every condition of life God has something stored up in His Word for you.
Adapted from D.L.Moody
Hi Patty..
I found your blog while visiting my friend Kristen. I wanted to stop by and say Hello *smile*. I really enjoyed reading this post today, And I took notes of it. You are so right God's word has everything we need for whatever we may be facing. Sometimes we tend to read all kinds of self help books and it can get pretty overwhelming. I am reminded through your post that God's word is really all that we need along with spending time in prayer with him.
Aloha Lorie
I so agree with this post....
nothing else matters if I DON't spend time in the WORD.....
Great post.
Thank you, Deby and Lorie.
It certianly is food, literally daily bread food, to think about it.
Thank you for the encouragement,
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