"Make the least of all that goes, and the most of all that comes.
Don't regret what is past. Cherish what you have.
Look forward to all that is to come.
And most of important of all, rely moment by moment on Jesus Christ."
Don't regret what is past. Cherish what you have.
Look forward to all that is to come.
And most of important of all, rely moment by moment on Jesus Christ."
~Gigi Graham Tchividjian~
We should make the most of all the things that come into our lives... we shouldn't live in the place of regret...what is past, is past. Look forward to all that is to come. In each new circumstance, there are opportunities for God to show Himself strong on our behalf. It's another opportunity to live for Him! Moment by moment reliance on Jesus Christ, is trusting Him with your past, present and your future. He was with us yesterday, He is with us today...and our future? He is already there waiting! Cherish what you have...
That is such a nice quote, and a beautiful painting too! I think I'll have to copy down that quote.
Hi Patty,
I never knew what it really meant to live moment by moment until I was diagnosed with severe chronic illness. Through our journey together the Lord and I have had some of the intimate times together and still do today. To live in the moment is never missing even the smallest or tiniest miracles in the gift of each new day. I look forward to tomorrows because I know the Lord is already there waiting to carry me through another day!! Hugz Lorie
Hi Patty..
I don't know if my first comment went through it showed an error.*smile* I really loved the quote as well and will put it in my prayer journal. When I was diagnosed with a serious illness the Lord and I began a wonderful journey together that took me through the most intimate moments I ever experienced with him by my side. Living in the moment for me was never missing a single miracle of each new day of life no matter how how small it may have been.I look forward to my tomorrows knowing the Lord is already there waiting
to see me through another day. I really loved this post. Hugz Lorie
Needed words here.Love the quote. The picture is gorgeous.
"we shouldn't live in the place of regret"...
I'm afraid I've been living there in regard to some things. The Lord is using your devotions this week to really minister to me, Patty. Thank you for writing them.
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