Encourage and be Encouraged...

"For I long to visit you so I can share a spiritual blessing with you that will help you grow strong in the Lord. I am eager to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. In this way, each of us will be a blessing to the other." Romans 1:11-12 NLT

In this verse Paul speaks of wanting to go to Rome to visit. He had wanted to go for a long time, but he kept being prevented from going. So much of Paul's life is an example to us how to live godly Christian lives. And here we find another example for us to follow.

So many times we look for opportunities to be that encourager to someone. But in these verses Paul not only wanted to encourage the people of Rome and impart a spiritual blessing with them...he wanted to go so he could be encouraged by them as well! Paul admitted, I want to encourage you, but I also want to be encouraged by you.

"As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend."
Proverbs 27:17

Encouraging someone, be it in small things or big things, hard times or good times, is what a good encourager does. Paul looked expectantly to go to Rome to be encouraged. Encourage and look to be encouraged, should be something we should desire. When we encourage someone, we sharpen them. When we are encouraged, we are sharpened. We spur each other on in our Christian walk when we encourage. Paul wanted to be sharpened in his faith and theirs, when he went to Rome to visit the believers there. Our prayer should be, "Father, use me to be an encourager today, and Lord, I'd be blessed if I could be encouraged today too."

"...those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."Proverbs 11:25


Laura said...

Hi, Patty! I am so excited to meet a new bloggy friend! I love the verses you are posting on today. Proverbs 27:17 is a verse I often pray over my son, who has a challenge making friends. With a new school year starting in two days, I'm praying very hard!
I can't wait to try that hash brown quiche on your recipe blog! Thanks for stopping by the Wellblog to see me. I've enjoyed reading your words!

charlotte mgcc said...

When I started my blog, I wanted to call it "Beside still waters".... it has special meanigg to me...but it had already been taken...ok so i changed my name. then i saw your blog on the side bar of one that i have visited regularly and had to stop and see, well lurk really.
i was encouraged by your words today and thought you could use some encouragement as we all can. I was encouraged by your words and I wanted to say thankyou. May you feel God's loving arms embracing you.......

sherry said...

You are always an encouragement to my heart, Patty. I love visiting your blog.

(* tender hug *)