Here I am. I am not sure where I have been or what I've been doing. As I've pondered this, I don't' even know what's been filling my days. I've been busy ...I had Easter here, a party for my husband, I have been stocking my pantry, I have been writing a message for a tea, physical ups and downs...I think what gets me down is the time it takes me to bounce back up after busy days. That gets discouraging, because I can loose days at a time, pulling myself back together.
I did something fun on Monday...My daughter, her friend and myself went to Hollywood to see the finals of Dancing With The Stars. Oh my gosh, was that fun or what! We had to dress up "purty" to get in. Dress to impress they called it. it's so different being there than watching it on TV. It's so much smaller than it looks. And the dancers? Well their clothes look skimpier than on TV too. Oh my.
I saw where the American Girl Store was and hope to go there one day this summer with the grandgirlies.
I finally finished my message for the tea for our church. It's May 30th and it looks to be a lovely day. The theme for the morning is Reflections Of Beauty and that also is the title of my message.I am looking forward to the morning but will also be glad when the morning is behind us and we can just behold all the glorious things that God did.
I'm not sure why I am so bone weary, but I am. I miss my blog friends who visit and those that I visit. I miss writing on my blog and visiting blogs. It is my goal when this week is over to get all three of my blogs back up and in shape again.
My husband hurt his shoulder this week. He has had some really big projects going in the yard and I think he over did it. He saw the doctor and missed some work, but he is such a die hard groceryman that he went back to work today. Good work ethics is a better choice of words.
This was a hodgepdge of things today. But I just had to check in today and say hello and I hope you will have a wonderful weekend.
Glad to see you back. I have been going to email you to see if you are okay, but you know how that goes? On days that I am feeling good, I get gobs of things done on my 'todo' list and when I'm not feeling good I don't really want to do anything!
I know your tea will be a smashing
success. I'm sure your words of wisdom will be well received, as you do have the gift of teaching...plus I think you are very brave to speak in front of all those ladies!
Oh Joan,
it's so nice to see you. I went to your blog the other day and was so blessed to see that you had returned. I lost your email address when I got my new computer...I have beenn wondering how you were.
You have always been an encourager to me, thank you so much!
A BIG hello back at ya! : ) Sounds like you've had much going on...and I saw the pics of DWTS on Darcy's blog. What fun!
Oh Patty, I am so glad you are okay. I have been concerned since I hadn't heard anything from you for awhile. Hope you had a wonderful day today and that your devotional went well for the ladies' tea.
God bless,
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